Dartmoor tors

dartmoor tors
Dartmoor National Park is always associated with the giant granite rock formations called the tors (photograph by Derek Harper)

dartmoor torsCrockern Tor in Dartmoor used to be the place, where Devon tin miners were gathering for holding their Stannary Parliament (photograph by Graham Horn)

dartmoor tors dartmoor poniesDartmoor ponies grazing on Littaford Tor (photograph by Nigel Cox)

haytor rocks dartmoor
The draw to adventures, or maybe the dazzling views across the Dartmoor National Park that's what attract the climbers to the Haytor rocks (photograph by Nigel Cox)

vixen tor dartmoorVixen Tor in Dartmoor is dubbed the Forbidden Tor for the access that was restricted by the land owner not long time ago (photograph by Martin Bodman)